CHC/LAT 61. Introduction to Chicano/Latino Studies I
CHC/LAT 62. Introduction to Chicano/Latino Studies II
CHC/LAT 63. Introduction to Chicano/Latino Studies III
CHC/LAT 64. Introduction to Race and Ethnicity in Political Science
CHC/LAT 65. Ethnic and Immigrant America
CHC/LAT 66. Anthropology of Food CHC/LAT H80.  Latina/o Childhoods: Comparative Approaches to the Study of Children and Youth
CHC/LAT 101. Research in the Latino Community
CHC/LAT 102W. Chicano/Latino Research Seminar
CHC/LAT 110. Topics in Chicano Literature and Culture
CHC/LAT 114. Film Media and the Latino Community
CHC/LAT 120.  Peoples and Cultures of Latin America
CHC/LAT 121. Latina/Latino Pop: Latina/Latino Popular Culture
CHC/LAT 129. Special Topics in Literature, Arts, Media, Culture
CHC/LAT 132A. Chicana/Chicano History: Pre-Colonial to 1900
CHC/LAT 132B. Chicana/Chicano History: Twentieth Century
CHC/LAT 134. U.S. Latino Literature and Cultures
CHC/LAT 135.  Latinas in the Twentieth Century U.S.
CHC/LAT 139. Special Topics in Chicano/Latino History
CHC/LAT 140A. Latina/Latino Queer Sexualities
CHC/LAT 142. Latinos and the Law
CHC/LAT 147. Comparative Minority Politics
CHC/LAT 148W. Racial and Ethnic Relations in the United States
CHC/LAT 150. U.S. Intervention in Latin America
CHC/LAT 151. Latinos in U.S. Politics
CHC/LAT 151B. Revolution in Latin America
CHC/LAT 152B.  Community, Social Justice, and Health Equity Research for Action
CHC/LAT 153. Cross-Cultural Research on Urban Gangs
CHC/LAT 154. Latino Metropolis
CHC/LAT 155. Culture Change and the Mexican People
CHC/LAT 156W. Chicano/Latinos and Labor
CHC/LAT 157. Cuban Society and Revolution CHC/LAT 158. Feminisms of Color
CHC/LAT 159. Special Topics in Society, Labor, Politics, Law, Gender, Race, Ethnicity
CHC/LAT 160. Perspectives on the U.S. - Mexican Border
CHC/LAT 161. Transnational Migration
CHC/LAT 162A.  Urban America
CHC/LAT 163. U.S. Immigration Policy
CHC/LAT 166. Chicano Movement
CHC/LAT 167.  Latinos in a Global Society
CHC/LAT 168. Chicano/Latino Social Psychology
CHC/LAT 169. Special Topics in Globalization, Transnationalism, Immigration, U.S.-Mexico Border
CHC/LAT 170. Chicano/Latino Families
CHC/LAT 176. Race, Gender, and Science
CHC/LAT 177W. Culture and Close Relationships
CHC/LAT 178A. Medical Anthropology
CHC/LAT 179. Special Topics in Health, Medicine, and Psychosocial Dynamics
CHC/LAT 183. Multicultural Education in K-12 Schools
CHC/LAT 189. Special Topics in Educational Policy and Issues